Consulting, Design and Administration

Tailored retirement plan solutions for your unique needs.

Your retirement plan needs are unique — and one size does not fit all.

Daybright has decades of experience serving clients like you, with experts covering all facets of retirement planning. Our team includes consultants, administrators, actuaries, accountants, attorneys and investment specialists.

Our goal is to partner with you for the long-term, and to help you use retirement plans in your talent recruitment and retention strategy. We do this by simplifying complexities so that your options are clear and easy to understand.

Consulting, Design & Administration is part of our role as your bundled Third-Party Administrator. However, we can assist you separately in these roles in an unbundled way.


  • Needs assessment to evaluate your organization’s objectives, the demographics of your workforce and your financial goals and resources
  • Guidance to help you fully meet your legal fiduciary duties
  • Request for information (RFI) assistance to assess investment provider companies and products
  • Assurance that your plan adheres to all laws and regulations including those set by the IRS and applicable legislation such as ERISA


  • Selecting plan type based on your objectives and goals
  • Tailoring specific features to your needs such as contribution matching, enrollment rules and the ability for your participants to access funds as loans.
  • Ensuring correct benefit calculations for defined benefit plans, or helping determine calculations and vesting schedules for defined contribution plans.
  • Selecting and overseeing vendors for an unbundled approach to recordkeeping and administration


  • Assisting with the daily management and operation of your plan.

Depending on your choice of unbundled or bundled service providers we can assist with:

  • Contributions management
  • Recordkeeping
  • Education and communication tools for plan participants
  • Compliance testing
  • Preparing and submitting required documents and reports to government agencies such as the IRS and Department of Labor.

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